
Our educational solutions include a shortened course (1-2 years) to obtain an education Bachelor Diploma.

This diploma allows you to work as a teacher in secondary schools.
There is a huge shortage of teachers so there will be an almost guaranteed job opportunities after you succeed the course!

This course is organised by our partner Vives hogeschool, and is specifically tailored to be followed by pilots!

You can start the course in February 2022.
But ofcourse you have questions: does a pilot benefit from this diploma? Can a pilot's job be combined with studying for the course? Can a part-time pilot work as a teacher? For all these question Vives hosts an

online seminar on
January 18, 2022, from 18:30 to 20:30 CET.

Participation is free but you need to register via this link!

You will be able to talk directly to the organisers. We hope to meet many of you then!