
Changing the world, one flight a time…


European Social Fund

We answered to a call from the ESF in order to lower the barriers for participation of workers in professional- and educational qualifying paths.

Pilots face great challenges

Employment in the aviation sector is at risk.
Job-stability is not guaranteed and the costs of maintaining the qualifications of pilots can be high.
The current situation demands an open perspective towards re-orientation for aviation professionals.
It is urgent to take action in time to preserve one's chances on a succesfull career in- or outside of aviation.

The barriers that aviation professionals encounter today towards career re-oriƫntation are individually different and depend on many factors such as:

  • qualifications and experience
  • current job-situation and perspective
  • financial and social situation
  • health
  • educational background
  • geographical location
  • motivation
  • luck

Our goals

We aim to provide several solutions to overcome these barriers such as:

  1. Set up education for employment in which your skills as a pilot are recognized and used.
  2. Convert your license and experience into a diploma through a transition program.
  3. Propose measures that help you to maintain your type-rating when it is not used during a longer period.

1. Education is the key

The project started on september 1st 2020 and will run for 28 months.
It is funded by the European Social Fund (Flanders).
Several partners work together to make it happen.

ESF-Project Europees Sociaal Fonds (European Social Funds)

We answered to a call from the ESF in order to lower the barriers for participation of workers in professional- and educational qualifying paths.

ESF-project 472

This project aims to facilitate the transition of qualified pilots to other suitable professional and/or academical qualifications through education in order to increase the employment opportunities. It also investigates possibilities to maintain aviation qualifications throughout this transition-period.